We are- Nº8

C O M M U N I T I E S 43 C O M M U N I T I E S These new awards bring to ten the num- ber of contracts signed in the state of Texas, where FCC will become the sta- te’s main recycling company when its new recycling facility, with a capacity of 145,000 Tons per year, starts operations by March 2019, thanks to the contract recently awarded by the city of Houston for a period of 15 years. In the last four years, there are 12 contracts signed by FCC in the United States, including two large contracts awarded in Florida. FCC has accumulated a total order book va- lue of more than 900 million dollars in the US, delivering services to more than eight million Americans. All of these contracts mean for FCC the consolidation as a service providing company in North America, helping to capitalize on this market its more than 100 years of experience in the environ- mental service industry throughout the world. To date, there are 10 contracts signed by FCC in the state of Texas, and a total of 12 in the US. Lewisville Lastly, FCC was also awarded the contract to process all recyclable waste from the Texan city of Lewisvi- lle during a term of nine years inclu- ding extensions. With a population of 106,000, Lewisville is one of the fastest growing cities in North Texas, with great development potential. Through this agreement, FCC will re- cycle and market all recyclable waste in the city, approximately 5,500 tons per year. This process will be carried out in the aforementioned facilities of FCC in Dallas, awarded in 2017 as the best recycling plant in North Ame- rica. It is an automatic selection plant of the latest technology, where the most modern separation and classifi- cation techniques are applied, inclu- ding artificial vision and optical and gravimetric sorters. The installation classifies by category all the recove- rable material that is collected mixed in the single recycling container. With this facility built by FCC, thou- sands of tons of paper, cardboard, glass, plastic and metal generated by residents can be returned to the mar- ket for a new productive cycle. Some of the vehicles used in Texas