We are- Nº8

C O M M U N I T I E S 42 C O M M U N I T I E S FCC Environmental Services (the US subsidiary of the environmental ser- vices division of the FCC group) has been awarded three new contracts in the state of Texas, which increase the company’s order book by seven mi- llion dollars (6.12 million euros). Management of all the bio solids for the City of the Garland The first contract includes the mana- gement of all the bio solids for the City of the Garland’s water treatment sys- tem, including transportation to the city landfill. The second award signed by FCC, also with the City of Garland, contem- plates the processing and marketing of all the recyclable material for the Garland Independent School District, which encompasses a total of 68 schools and more than 56,000 stu- dents. FCC wins three new contracts in Texas (EE.UU. ) With 235,000 inhabitants, Garland is one of the ten most populated ci- ties in the Dallas-Fort Worth metro- politan area. . Since 2016, FCC also manages all the recyclable material generated by the residents of Gar- land, approximately 10,000 tons per year, which are processed and reco- vered in the recycling facility that the company has developed in the city of Dallas. Dallas recycling plant