We are- Nº8

because of their rapid recharging, high power and long duration. The traction system is permanent electric, that is, the vehicle is pro- pelled by an electric motor that is fed by the energy accumulated in the batteries. The main premise of this technology is to obtain the mi- nimum possible energy consump- tion for urban services. In the case of waste collection, the collection vehicle represents the service con- figuration with the greatest energy needs. The stops and starts are continuous, every 60 to 100 meters, for the loading of the containers and subsequent compaction of the was- te, so that the inertia and braking are always used as regenerative energy, which is stored in the batteries. The obtained result allows to do the same services that today the conventional collector does with equal perfor- mances but reducing the consumed energy in more than 50% and also and drastically the emissions and the CO 2 . A UNIQUE vehicle for Smart and sustainable cities Both for its modularity and for the new design of the cab (ultra-low, advanced and with access to the in- terior of low and flat floors, without intermediate steps), the technology presented today means having the model of urban vehicle of the future and for any application in this field. In addition to the aforementioned re- asons for energy savings and lower emissions, the new vehicle also achieves much lower operating costs and its useful life is extended consi- derably. On the other hand, chassis, bodywork and all its components can be easily reused, which ultimately represents a far-reaching and con- solidated contribution to the circular economy in intelligent cities. Indeed, it is an investment in the fu- ture, since the electric vehicle has a much longer useful life than the ve- hicle with a combustion engine and has subsidies and deductions that lower its real cost. The development of this common platform makes it possible to start producing it at an in- dustrial scale, thereby providing the possibility of reducing its cost. Alfonso García, director of tech- nical services at FCC Medio Am- biente, has been awarded by the Spanish National Association of Public Environmental Companies (ANEPMA) in its annual awards in the Private Companies category for his work at FCC, with special mention for his contribution to te- chnological development and his R+D work in the sector. At FCC Medio Ambiente Alfonso García has been honou- red for his human and professio- nal career, carried out in his more than 40 years in the company, in a ceremony held at the corpora- te headquarters of Las Tablas, in Madrid. Alfonso García has always been a key person in the innovation pro- jects developed by FCC Medio Ambiente. Throughout his career, Alfonso has led and coordinated innovation projects developed by FCC Medio Ambiente, especially those related to alternative and ecological engines for Municipal Services vehicles, Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) and others re- lated to e-mobility technologies. Alfonso García, director of technical services at FCC Medio Ambiente, wins an award At the ANEPMA Awards. 100% electric, rechargeable, and completely recyclable.