We are FCC - Nº7

At the proposal of Aqualia’s CEO, Félix Pa- rra Mediavilla, the company’s Board of Di- rectors has appointed Jesús Ortega as the new Chief Compliance Officer. The new CCO has a degree in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid and in Journalism from the Carlos III University, with several postgraduate studies such as, among others, Compliance at the Carlos III University of Madrid. The ComplianceOfficers of the business units FCCMedio Ambiente Aqualia FCCConstrucción Eva EgidoDelgado Jesús Ortega JuanDezcallar López-Chicheri The chairman of FCC Medio Ambiente’s Bu- siness Area, Agustín García Gila, and at the proposal of the Management Committee of the Environmental Services Area, has deci- ded to appoint EVA EGIDO DELGADO, Chief Compliance & Data Protection Officer of the FCC Environmental Services business area. The main mission of the post will be the deve- lopment and implementation of the complian- ce model of the Environmental Services area, as well as the updating and improvement of the data protection system. Its functions include the dissemination of the prevention model, the identification of risks, the definition and monitoring of the relevant controls and the treatment of complaints and investigations related to crimes and breaches of the Code of Ethics and Conduct received, as well as contributing to perfecting the data protection systems in accordance with the re- gulations in force in each country. Eva holds a degree in Chemical Enginee- ring from the University of Salamanca and a Master’s degree in Environmental Enginee- ring and Management from the EOI, and has spent part of her career at Deloitte, joining the FCC Group in 2007 in the team of the Internal Audit Department, from which she joined the Management Systems Department of the En- vironmental Services area. He joined Aqualia in 2007, and is currently in charge of providing legal advice for Euro- pe within Aqualia’s Legal Department. The first task of the new CCO will be to de- velop and implement Aqualia’s Compliance Programme, one of the company’s most important priorities for the coming months. Juan Dezcallar López-Chicheri, Compliance Officer of the FCC Construcción Business, has been appointed at the proposal of the FCC Construcción General Management and the FCC Group Compliance Officer. The main mission of the post will be to monitor and supervise the Criminal Prevention Model, periodically review the map of risks and crimi- nal controls, and propose action plans when non-compliance or ineffectiveness has been detected in the operation of the controls. Its functions include the dissemination of the Prevention Model, the identification of risks, the definition and monitoring of the relevant controls and the treatment of complaints and investigations relating to crimes and breaches of the Code of Ethics and Conduct received. Juan holds a degree in law from the Com- plutense University of Madrid and a master’s degree in foreign trade and international rela- tions, and has spent a large part of his career with the FCC Group. F C C G R O U P 9 F C C G R O U P