We are FCC - Nº7

FCCholds its 2018 Investor Day On 31 July, FCC held its first Inves- tor Day, attended by Carlos Slim Helú, the FCC Group’s main sha- reholder, FCC Chair Esther Alcocer Koplowitz, FCC CEO Pablo Colio Abril and Cementos Portland Valde- rrivas and Realia CEO Gerardo Kuri Kaufmann. They all spoke at the event, highlighting FCC’s positive growth, strength and positioning in Spain and worldwide. The principles of the Carso Group adopted at FCC Key points of Investor Day Investor Day presentation Esther Alcocer Koplowitz inaugu- rated the proceedings. Carlos Slim then gave a speech outlining the Group’s current situation and stra- tegic prospects, and Pablo Colio subsequently overviewed each FCC business area, noting their most significant aspects and key figures. Gerardo Kuri Kaufmann then offe- red a presentation on Cementos Portland Valderrivas and the Real Estate division. This major event, pivotal for rela- tions with investors, analysts and the media, was attended by Esther Koplowitz y Romero de Juseu and other members of the Board of Di- rectors, as well as members of the company’s executive team, inclu- ding Agustín García Gila, Chairman of FCC Medio Ambiente; Félix Pa- rra Mediavilla, managing director of Aqualia; CFO Miguel Martínez Pa- rra; and company secretary Felipe Bernabé García Pérez. in the company of Carlos Slimand theGroup’s management team From left to right: Gerardo Kuri Kaufmann; Esther Koplowitz y Romero de Juseu; Carlos Slim Helú; Esther Alcocer Koplowitz and Pablo Colio Abril. Carlos Slim Helú, the main shareholder of the FCC Group F C C G R O U P 6 F C C G R O U P