We are FCC - Nº7

Bilbao’s city council renews its fleet, replacing it with the latest generation vehicles and machinery. The LIFE4FILM Project , led by FCC Environment, approved by the LIFE programme of the European Union Renewal of the contract of main- tenance and conservation of parks, gardens and green areas in the city of Oviedo FCC Medio Ambiente renews up to 80% of the cleaning and collection service fleet for Bilbao city council. The new fleet is more modern, quieter, reduces water consumption and is more environmentally friendly. The new fleet inclu- des 63 electric vehicles, accounting for 25% of the total, in an important step towards electric-powered mobility in the city’s services. All inspection and small-sized vehicles will now be fuelled by petrol or electricity rather than diesel. The Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME), responsible for managing the LIFE programme, has approved the LIFE4FILM project (Post-Consumption Film Plastic Recycling from Municipal Solid Waste), coordinated by FCC Medio Ambiente. The aim of this project is to prevent plastic film, also known as low-density polyethylene (LDPE), present in solid ur- ban waste from being sent to landfills or waste-to-energy plants. This action will be rolled out in Granada (Spain), with the implementation of an innovative recycling process at a semi-industrial scale, through a recovery line with a capacity of 10,000 t/year, to be managed by FCC. Oviedo City Council has renewed its confidence in FCC Medio Ambiente and has awarded a joint venture led by FCC the contract for the maintenance and conservation of parks, gardens and green areas, for a period of four years with a possible extension of two years. The total value of the contract before extensions is almost 17 mi- llion euro. FCC has been providing cleaning and maintenance ser- vices for green areas, parks and gardens in Oviedo sin- ce 2007, covering an area of 250 hectares of parks and green areas and 10,000 alignment trees. FCC Medio Ambiente awarded several contracts that strengthen its presence in the province of Huelva FCC Medio Ambiente has been awar- ded the street cleaning and waste co- llection contract in the municipality of Almonte, the collection contract in Cor- tegana and the street cleaning contract in the municipality of Valverde del Ca- mino, all in the province of Huelva. The sum of these awards represents a total portfolio of 16.37 million euro and reinforces FCC’s pre- sence in the province in an outstanding way. Foundation laid for the new recycling plant in Houston (U.S.) FCC Enviromental Services has laid the foundation stone for the new recyclables plant in Houston, which will separate and recover all the city’s recyclable materials and subse- quently market them. The contract was awarded to FCC for 250 million dollars and a term of 15 years, extendable up to a maximum of 20 years. B R I E F - E N V I R O N M E N T 50 ENVIRONMENT B R I E F