We are FCC - Nº7

Microsoft Office365 will provide a digital workplace with more secure, flexible, and easy-to-use tools The Company will be taking this step in the coming months with effort, training and communication in order to make implementation and adop- tion easy, effective and, above all, user-friendly to all FCC Group em- ployees. Fundamental pillars of the Microsoft 365 platform With Microsoft Office365 compa- nies foster the pride of belonging to an organization; create a culture of community and commitment to the company to encourage colla- boration; enhance the professional capabilities of each employee; en- courage the use of digital tools and intelligent processes to automate and streamline business processes; ensure the best experience in real time; and of course, minimize risk and costs, while ensuring protec- tion and compliance with standards such as the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). These are the fundamental pillars of the platform: Collaboration: companies have se- veral tools at their fingertips, such as Microsoft Teams, so that em- ployees can collaborate, share and communicate from anywhere, mo- ving the office to wherever they are. Flexibility: thanks to the possibility of accessing these tools through any device, whether on the desktop, lap- top or mobile and from any platform. Security: so that it doesn’t matter if a worker connects from a business network or from the Internet con- nection at home. An environment that is always secure, up-to-date and in compliance with European data protection regulations, GDPR. C O M M U N I C A T I O N 49 C O M M U N I C A T I O N