We are FCC - Nº7

An intelligent solution, a new way of working The workplace is changing. FCC is making strides in the digital world, incorporating everyday tools to facilitate the way we work according to our needs, applying smart solutions to improve collaboration, creativity and productivity. The digital transformation is one of the biggest revolutions in recent years. FCC has to adapt to change because technological innovation is here to stay. FCC continues to make progress and is committed to new ways of working aimed at the whole orga- nisation, with the aim of improving collaboration and the ability to share information, as well as the creativity and productivity of employees. Connect Programme Under the umbrella of the Connect Programme, FCC will encompass all projects relating to the develo- pment, implementation and use of new technologies aimed at impro- ving the efficiency of the company’s processes. For this reason, the time has come for FCC to implement Microsoft Offi- ce365, new technological work tools that will boost communication and encourage collaboration between teams and professionals from the Citizen Services Group from any device and in real time. Microsoft Office365 will provide a digital workplace with more secu- re, flexible and easy-to-use tools for managing documents and work- flows in the cloud. A change that in- volves the entire company and that will submerge it in an environment full of possibilities that will improve everyone’s way of working, espe- cially those with great geographi- cal mobility and who need to have tools adapted to their needs, without barriers and without limitations, in- creasing productivity and optimizing processes by applying intelligence. 365 C O M M U N I C A T I O N 48 C O M M U N I C A T I O N