We are FCC - Nº7

With the 377.3 km the “Südautoba- hn” A2 (‘South Motorway’) is longest motorway in Austria. It runs from the outskirts of Vienna south via the cities of Graz and Klagenfurt to the border of Italy at Arnoldstein, where it joins the “Autostrada A23”. Thanks to its location, the A2 mo- torway - connecting north and south of Europe - is a popular transfer road for many people. According to ASFINAG, a publicly – owned corporation that plans, finan- ces,, builds and maintains, and co- llects tolls for the Austrian highways, more than 26,000 vehicles per day passed the A2 highway in 2016. Du- ring the summer holiday season, tra- ffic density increases since the A2 highway is a very popular corridor for Czech, Slovak and Polish tourists to reach the Adriatic Sea. Such large traffic brings some side effects, among others also in the form of a large amount of waste that rivers and passengers generate during their journey. Only in year 2017 more than 670 tons of the residual waste were left behind, about 236 during the sum- mer months (May-August). Since 2013, FCC Austria Abfall Servi- ce AG has been responsible for waste disposal and cleaning of almost all the service stations on the A2 motorway for ASFINAG. In total, there are 266 x 1,100-litre containers and 30 x 240-li- tre containers (fire protection contai- ners) provided by FCC Austria. More and more passengers dispo- se of their waste at the rest stations of the motorways in Austria. Recent research showed that in 2017 more than 2,000 tons of waste such as construction waste, old tyres, bikes, electrical waste and even refrigera- tors have been left behind on the rest stations. This uncontrolled disposal of waste is a problem for all motorways in Austria, leading to increased costs for proper sorting and recycling. FCC waste bins can be found along the A2 motorway, either in smaller parking lots and rest areas or at larger service stations, which will then be transported and treated as a resource for further recycling. FCC Austria Abfall Service AG in charge of cleaning the A2 highway Thanks to its location, the A2 motorway - connecting north and south of Europe - is a popular transfer road for many people. FCC waste bins, your “cleanliness guardian angels” during holiday-season on A2 motorway C O M M U N I T I E S 46 C O M M U N I T I E S