We are FCC - Nº7

would bypass the risk of oil price hikes; while local authorities could charge their fleets from local ener- gy-from-waste facilities – or even solar arrays at their depots”. David Simpson added: “The mar- ket is developing rapidly, and the time when we will have cost parity between conventional and alterna- tive-powered vehicles is drawing ever-closer. Without the financial and environmental cost of running diesel fleets, society could make significant gains within pre-deter- mined timescales. “We as a nation have to look forward and with gover- nment support waste can be trans- ported cleaner and efficiently using zero emission vehicles.” FCC Spain has been investing in R&D into alternative-powered vehi- cles for more than 40 years and now operates over 1,900 sustainable vehicles in Spain, including 100% electric models, hybrids and natural gas powered vehicles. Comprising over 10% of the entire of FCC’s Spanish fleet, these vehicles are actively lowering emissions and noise in urban areas. These plug-in self-charging electric vehicles lea- ve the base at full load, run fully on electric power while operating in ci- ties and, if necessary, recharge their batteries on the way to discharge at the waste treatment facility. . FCC Spain has an entire range of electric vehicles, from narrow street sweepers to refuse compactors and we hope that they can be introduced in the United Kingdom with the coor- dinated support of municipal and central governments. The company has had a long-term research programme underway for the development of alternative fuel vehicles FCC Medio Ambiente has been investing in R&D into alternative-powered vehicles for more than 40 years I N N O V A T I O N 45 I N N O V A T I O N