We are FCC - Nº7

Prefabricados Delta has been in the world of prefabricated pro- ducts for more than 50 years. What have been the main chan- ges in the sector and what ser- vices does the company offer in the market? The company manufactures water pipes with diameters ranging from 300 mm to 3,000 mm, both in rein- forced concrete or post-stressed with a steel jacket and in glass fibre reinforced polyester (GRP). It also produces railway sleepers, seg- ments for tunnels and segments and beams for viaducts. Therefore, the company’s activity is totally linked to infrastructures, mainly hydraulic and railway. In both cases, the changes in Spain have been significant. In the case of hy- draulic works, the first pipe supplies made by Prefabricados Delta were intended to guarantee the supply of water to Madrid, fifty years later the main supply infrastructures have al- ready been carried out and in recent years the most important demand for pipes comes from the upgrading of irrigation systems. As to railway works, the company began in the sector supplying the sleepers for the Madrid-Seville high-speed line, participating since then in the deve- lopment of the Spanish high-speed line and in the renovation of conven- tional lines. As far as other products are concer- ned, the Company has participated significantly in the enlargement of the metro and in the burying of the M-30 in Madrid, with the supply of segments. With the fall in investments in infras- tructures in Spain, it was necessary to seek, in coordination with the Group, opportunities for collabora- tion abroad. As a result of this colla- boration, the Group participated in the Riyadh Metro project by manu- facturing and assembling 12 kilome- tres of beams and their correspon- ding prefabricated pre-slabs. What progress has been made in the field of innovation and tech- nology? We are aware of the impact that innovation and technology have on the future of companies. Throu- ghout our history we have signifi- cant examples. With regard to the manufacture of pipes, this is the only company that produces prefabricated concrete pipes without using moulds, which allows production capacities and performance much higher than tho- se obtained with conventional sys- tems. In the railway sector, Prefabrica- dos Delta was the first company to E N T R E V I S T A Managing Director of Prefabricados Delta Rafael Villa Pipes for water pipes with pressure from 300 mm to 3,000 mm diameters. Segments and beams for viaduct Prefabricados Delta, operating more than 50 years in the sector I N N O V A T I O N 42 I N N O V A T I O N