We are FCC - Nº7

About the Incover project Aqualia is the leading company in the consortium conducting the In- cover project, formed by 18 entities from seven European countries in continued collaboration. The pro- ject has a budget of 8.4 million eu- ros, of which 70% is subsidised by the European Union through Hori- zon 2020, its largest research and innovation funding programme, fo- cused on reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 20% by 2020 compa- red to 1990. Four demonstration water recovery and treatment plants are being im- plemented, evaluated and optimi- sed in different locations: Barcelo- na, Chiclana, Almeria and Leipzig (Germany). Thanks to the innovative concept and the technologies developed, the Incover project was awarded at the “Water Industry Awards 2018” held in Birmingham (United Kingdom) on 21 May. This award once again highlights the importance of the project in the field of water manage- ment and the circular economy at an international level. About the Biosol project The Biosol Water Recycling project has a budget of 2.3 million euros, 50% of which is subsidised by the European Union through the LIFE programme. Aqualia participates as a partner in the project together with two French companies, Heliopure Technolo- gies and Coldep and the CENTA foundation (Centre for New Water Technologies), located in Carrión de los Céspedes (Seville). Objetives: transform wastewater from urban agglomerations into an energy source (biomethane) and valuable products such as bioplastics and biofertilizers. trients before the clean water leaves the treatment plant for reuse. In order to optimise this subsequent irrigation, the Incover project has also implemented an intelligent irri- gation system (Smart irrigation) that improves water consumption throu- gh local sensors in the plantation and data processing via the internet. The mayor of Almeria thanked Aqua- lia for having wagered on this city for the implementation of these projects and praised the investment in inno- vation that the company is carrying out. “In our province agriculture is one of the greatest exponents of the economy, and from the City Council we believe that the success of this project can help alleviate the scar- city of water in this sector and pro- mote its development” - added the mayor after having gained in-depth knowledge of these projects. For his part, Jose V. Colomina indi- cated that “Aqualia is firmly commi- tted to innovation and efficiency in the search for the best solutions to the new challenges facing the wa- ter sector. The company’s mission is a strong commitment to R+D+i that contributes to improving water quality, minimising its environmental impact and optimising technologies and management”. During the tour, they were able to see the different technologies and systems implemented within a circuit where each phase through which wastewater passes fulfils a mission. I N N O V A T I O N 40 I N N O V A T I O N