We are FCC - Nº7

The Isle of Djerba now has a major infrastructure that will supply 50,000 m 3 of potable water per day to the ci- ty’s inhabitants and which could be increased 75,000 m 3 /day. This is one of the most beautiful and largest islands in the whole of North Africa, located in the Gulf of Gabés, in southern Tunisia, and one of the country’s main tourist attractions, with an area of 514 square kilometres and a coastline of 125 kilometres, where some 150,000 people live. The design and construction pro- ject, executed 50% by Aqualia and GS Inima, will contribute decisively to the economic, social and envi- ronmental development of the is- land, one of Tunisia’s main tourist enclaves. Once the desalination plant comes into operation, it will be an important factor in the economic, social and environmental development of the island. The project was awarded by Tuni- sia’s national water distribution uti- lity (SONEDE) and jointly financed by the German Development Bank (KfW) and French Agency for Deve- lopment (AFD). Representatives of the Tunisian Go- vernment, headed by its prime minis- ter Youssef Chahed, were present at the inauguration and visited the new facilities, which will be the res- ponsibility of Tunisia’s national water distribution utility (SONEDE). This water B U S I N E S S 17 B U S I N E S S