We are FCC - Nº7

Ethics must be present in all the ac- tions and activities of a company, and our Code of Ethics and Conduct is the company’s main rule gover- ning relations between FCC emplo- yees and between employees and their stakeholders. At its meeting on 27 February, FCC’s Board of Directors appro- ved the new Code of Ethics and Conduct, the purpose of which is to encourage all persons linked to any company in the FCC Group to be guided by behaviour guidelines with the highest level of demand in compliance with laws, regulations, contracts, procedures and ethical principles. The new Code of Ethics and Con- duct, which also incorporates a FCCGroup Code of Ethics Access the new Code of Ethics of the FCC Group redefinition of the values on which FCC’s corporate culture is based, will prevail over those internal ru- les and local codes of conduct that might contradict it, unless they es- tablish more demanding conduct re- quirements, allowing specific adap- tations to the countries in which the FCC Group operates, after consul- tation with and authorisation from the Group’s Compliance Committee. This Code is binding on all persons related to any FCC Group company, regardless of the type of contract determined by their employment relationship, position or geographi- cal area in which they perform their work. The FCC Group is promoting tra- ining programmes and strengthe- ning communication systems to publicise the new Code of Ethics and Conduct in order to strengthen employees’ personal commitment to the company’s ethical compliance system. F C C G R O U P 10 F C C G R O U P