We are FCC - Nº6

Aqualia and Caritas strengthen their alliance against poverty and social exclusion Efr seal for its commitment to work-life balance Aqualia at the forefront of eco-efficient solutions for the food and agriculture industry The “Bilbao tap water: from good to the best” campaign, awarded for the best responsible marke- ting action The municipal water network of Badajoz , remotely controlled 24 hours a day, 365 days a year New Aqualia contract for the Operation and Maintenance of the Mar del Oeste desalination system in Tenerife The headquarters of Cáritas Diocesana de Ávila was the setting for a meeting in which Manuel Bretón, natio- nal president of Cáritas Diocesana, Santiago Lafuente, Spanish director of Aqualia, and José Luis Rivas, mayor of Ávila, participated to highlight the company’s colla- boration with Cáritas in the municipalities. An alliance that aims to fight poverty and inequality and improve the living conditions of people in situations of vulnerability or exclusion. The company has received the certificate awarded by the Fundación Másfamilia and supported by the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality for its excellent re- cord in the field of work-life balance in 2017. Aqualia has stood out for its initiative and effort in creating a business policy of family and work balance, and for its commitment to maintaining and continuing to develop improvements this policy, thus becoming the first national operator in the water sector to obtain this efr seal for its work-life balance initiatives. The treatment plant at the Mahou brewery in Alovera, Guadalajara, houses the de- monstration plant that allows the recovery of nutrients and the reuse of wastewater generated during beer production. Aqualia is making progress in the develo- pment of new economically and environ- mentally sustainable technologies with the aim of redu- cing the consumption of material and energy resources, in favour of the eco-efficiency of the wastewater and drin- king water treatment plans and the desalination plants it manages. Along these lines, the company’s Innovation and Technology team is carrying out the Life Answer pro- ject (Advanced Nutrient Solutions With Electrochemical Recovery, LIFE15 ENV/ES/000591) for the treatment and recovery of wastewater resources and energy in the food and agriculture industry. Aqualia’s campaign “El agua del grifo de Bilbao: de lo bue- no, lo mejor” (Bilbao tap water: from good to the best), developed in collaboration with the Bilbao Bizkaia Water Consortium (CABB) and the agency Prismaglobal, has been awarded in the category of Best Responsible Marke- ting Action at the Publifestival. The competition was held recently att the Teatro Fernando de Rojas (Circulo de Be- llas Artes) in Madrid. Aqualia, the company that manages the end-to-end wa- ter cycle, and the Badajoz City Council, unveiled the up- grading work at the existing Remote control at the Santa Engracia Potable Water Treatment Plant (DWTP) facili- ties, installing new equipment that incorporates the latest technological advances. The Island Water Council of Tenerife (CIATF) has renewed its confidence in Aqualia by awarding it the contract for the operation, maintenance and conservation of the infras- tructures and installations of the regional seawater desali- nation system at Mar del Oeste (Fonsalía) - Guía de Isora (Santa Cruz de Tenerife), where the company provides services through its subsidiary Entemanser. B R I E F B R I E F - W A T E R 40 WATER