Somos FCC - Nº5

Middle East and Africa 11.3% % Revenues by geographical areas Rest of Europe and other 8.0% United Kingdom 13.0% Spain 54.9% Latin America 7.1% Czech Republic 4.6% U.S. and Canada 1.1% %EBITDA by Business Areas Corporate Serv. Cement Construction Water Enviroment 52.2% 29.6% 8.6% 7.1% 2.5% KEY FIGURES (M€) Net sales EBITDA EBITDA margin Net operating income (EBIT) EBIT margin Income attributable to the parent company Operating cash flow Investment cash flow Net equity Net financial debt Backlog Dec. 17 5,802.0 815.4 14.1% 435.9 7.5% 118.0 768.9 (150.9) 938.5 3,579.5 29,377.4 Dec. 16 5,951.6 833.7 14.0% 93.6 1.6% (161.6) 1,024.9 (94,7) 872.9 3,590.9 30,589.9 Chg. (%) -2.5% -2.2% 0.1 p.p N/A 5.9 p.p N/A -25.0% 59.3% 7.5% -0.3% -4.0% F C C G R O U P 9 F C C G R O U P