Somos FCC - Nº5

Aqualia to manage the water insta- llations in the Port of Sohar (Oman) Partnership with COGITI to promote the professional development of its employees We treat the was- tewater of 27 mu- nicipalities on the Costa Brava 26th edition of the Children’s Digital Drawing Contest under the the slogan “Water for Grifus” Renewal of the contract with the associations of Cabeza de Horno and Ledesma (Salamanca) The joint venture Oman Sustainable Water Services, SAOC, made up of Aqualia and the public company Ma- jis Industrial Services (MAJIS) of the Oman Investment Fund, will manage the operation and maintenance of all water-related services in the port area of the city of So- har, the most important in northern Oman, for the next 20 years. With this contract, the first in Oman, Aqualia bolsters its positioning as one of the main operators in the Middle East and North Africa area. Aqualia has signed a collaboration agree- ment with the General Council of In- dustrial Engineering of Spain (COGITI). Carmen Rodríguez, Director of Human Resources at Aqualia, and José Anto- nio Galdón, President of COGITI, have signed an agreement that will allow the company’s employees and executives to enjoy the e-learning platform and its cour- ses under preferential conditions, among other advantages. The Costa Brava Consortium in plenary meeting agreed to extend the wastewater, conservation, operation and maintenance contract for the Consortium’s sanitation systems previously awarded to Empresa Mixta d’Aigües de la Costa Brava, S.A. (EMACBSA), a joint venture in which Aqualia participates. These are a total of 19 treatment plants, 118 pumping stations, 20 submarine outfalls and more than 180 kilo- metres of pipelines in municipalities such as Cadaquès, Roses, Palamós and Lloret de Mar. The contract repre- sents a business portfolio of 22 million euros. Aqualia has launched a new edition of the Children’s Digital Drawing Competition, this time focusing on the drinking water treatment process and highlighting the work involved in bringing water from nature to the tap in our homes. To this end, the company has launched the microsite , where children in the 3rd and 4th grades of Primary Education in the mu- nicipalities where Aqualia provides services are invited to participate. The Cabeza de Horno Association, which Aqualia has managed since 2014, has renewed the contract for the supply and maintenance of the networks and installa- tions and the distribution of water from the catchments of the Tormes River to the regulating reservoirs in each of the member municipalities of the Association over the next ten years. It supplies water to 107 municipalities and a surface area of 22% of the province of Salamanca, ma- king it one of its main supply systems. Aqualia has also renewed another important supply con- tract in the province, that of the Ledesma Association, which it has been managing since 2011. The Association includes 20 municipalities that demand 434,000 m3 per year. The joint contracting of both contracts exceeds six million euros. B R I E F B R I E F - W A T E R 70 WATER