Somos FCC - Nº5

IFM Investors is a global investor-owned fund mana- ger which, at 30 September 2017, managed assets worth $77 billion. Established more than 20 years ago, it is owned by 28 Australian pension funds that mana- ge the savings of 15 million people worldwide. IFM’s interests are aligned with those of its investors. Its investment teams in Europe, North America and Australia manage institutional strategies in infrastruc- ture (equity and debt), debt investments, listed equities and private equity. IFM Investors has been a signatory to the United Nations-backed Principles for Responsi- ble Investment since 2008. IFM Investors has offices in eight locations: Melbourne, Sydney, New York, Lon- don, Berlin, Tokyo, Hong Kong and Seoul. Aqualia is the water management subsidiary of FCC, one of Europe’s leading citizen services companies. With close to 8,000 employees, it is the fourth-largest investor-owned water company in Europe and among the world’s top ten, according to the most recent ran- king by Global Water Intelligence (GWI) magazine (November 2017). In 2017, governments evidenced their trust in the company as an expert technology partner by awarding it major contracts in: Abu Rawash (Egypt), Burgos (Spain), Glina (Romania), Arraiján (Panama), Guaymas (Mexico), Sohar (Oman) and Al-Watha (UAE). It was also voted best company in its sector in Spain and LatAm in 2017 by specialist magazine iAgua, and has been nominated for Water Company of the Year, the most coveted category of the Global Water Awards 2018, established by the prestigious publication Glo- bal Water Intelligence (GWI). It currently provides services to 22.5 million people in 1,100 municipalities in 22 countries: Spain, Italy, Por- tugal, Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Montenegro, Bosnia, Mexico, Chile, Uruguay, Algeria, Egypt, Uni- ted Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Tunisia, Qa- tar, Oman, Colombia, Ecuador and Panama. In 2017, Aqualia reported €1,025.9 million in revenues, €241 million in EBITDA and an order book of nearly €15,000 million. The Australian fund has acquired 49% of Aqualia for €1,024 million nering administrations to deliver a public service. Parra pledged to “continue work with renewed en- thusiasm on all projects currently underway, and in all the territories where we operate, maintaining our commitment to people’s welfare on the basis of transparent and ethical management, and striving to attain financial, social and environmental sustainability throughout the water cycle through a combination of effi- ciency and innovation.” Pablo Colio, CEO of FCC, highli- ghted IFM’s experience in the in- frastructure sector, noting that it is among the world’s leading infras- tructure management companies, and that it also conducts its busi- ness ethically, which, he added, makes the deal doubly pleasing. Colio said, “FCC is very proud that IFM has chosen Aqualia. Together, we will strengthen the company’s lead in providing all kinds of servi- ces linked to water.” IFM, an ethical fund managing assets worth $77 billion Aqualia is a world leader in managing water services IFM has an asset portfolio worth $77 billion, including two wa- ter management companies, in Australia and the UK F C C G R O U P 7 F C C G R O U P