Somos FCC - Nº5

Street cleaning and solid waste collection contract awarded Ciempozuelos (Madrid) II Informative seminar on beach cleaning management in Menorca Inca City Council, in Mallorca (Ba- learic Islands), renews its confi- dence in FCC Medio Ambiente Renewal of the maintenance and conservation contract for green spaces in Las Palmas de Gran Ca- naria and award of the children’s playground maintenance service. FCC to provide street cleaning and waste collection services in Logroño until 2027 Ciempozuelos City Council has awarded FCC Medio Am- biente a contract for its street cleaning and urban solid waste collection services for a period of eight years. The contract amounts to more than €8.5 million with two possi- ble extensions of two years each. FCC Medio Ambiente took part in the second edition of the informative seminar on beach cleaning management organised by the Consell Insular de Menorca (Minorca Island Council). The event was inaugurated by the First Vice-President and Councillor for Local Cooperation and Tourism Promotion of the Consell de Menorca, Maite Salord Ripoll, who said “Realising that the beaches of Menorca conform an exceptional landscape must be a perception shared by residents and visitors”. The City Council of Inca has awarded a joint venture led by a subsidiary of FCC Medio Ambiente the contract to collect waste from the town over the next eight years. With this decision, FCC will continue to collect waste from the Malorcan town of Inca, which it has been doing uninte- rruptedly since 2006. The total contract value is more than 12.2 million euro. The Las Palmas de Gran Canaria City Council has re- newed its confidence in FCC Medio Ambiente and has awarded it lots 1 and 2 for the maintenance of green spaces and urban trees for a period of four years and a possible two-year extension. The total amount of the portfolio is 41.6 million euros. In addition, it awarded a joint venture led by FCC Medio Ambiente the contract for the maintenance, conservation and renovation of children’s parks until 2022, with a portfolio of over 3.4 million euro. Logroño City Council places its trust once again in FCC En- vironment and extends its street cleaning and waste collec- tion contract for 8 more years. The contract began in 2003 and the extension, which is worth more than €89 million, means that FCC will continue to provide services to the city until September 2027. B R I E F B R I E F - E N V I R O N M E N T 68 ENVIRONMENT