Somos FCC - Nº5

Businesses need to develop cy- ber-intelligence capabilities to un- derstand the threat environment to which they are exposed and to anti- cipate the risks involved. They must include risk analysis as a fundamental tool in all business processes. The training and awareness of em- ployees in cybersecurity must beco- me another practice, as is the pre- vention of occupational hazards. Supply chain control is an essential element of a company’s cybersecu- rity strategy when its operations are fed with services and goods from suppliers and subcontractors. Crisis management drills and cy- ber-exercises are necessary trai- ning tools to prepare the company to react effectively to cyber-attacks such as Wannacry. Sharing information about cyber- threats, cyberattacks and risks is vital to addressing cybercrime. The 10 key aspects that companies must take into account in order to minimise cybersecurity risks in 2018 An effective cybersecurity strategy must have professionals with the necessary skills and profiles. For this reason, attracting and retaining cybersecurity talent is a priority. In today’s digital economy, cyber- security is a strategic element of a company’s business processes and as such should be included in the overall management control objec- tives. The company must become aware that cyber-risks are increasingly an element to be taken into account for the sustainability of business strategy. Cybersecurity is a process and as such, it does not end with the imple- mentation of security tools and in- frastructures but with the definition and maintenance of a management system aimed at continuous impro- vement. 1 8 9 2 3 10 4 5 6 7 C O M M U N I C A T I O N C O M M U N I C A T I O N 65