Somos FCC - Nº5

There are several pavilions next to the Red Cross building. It is a group of three buildings, one of which no longer exists, which formed a U-shaped space. It enjoys structural Protection Le- vel II according to the General Ur- ban Development Plan of Madrid (PGOUM). Dating back to 1950 and designed by the architect Francis- Pavilions in the Red Cross Building Palace in Hermanos Álvarez Quintero Street Casón del Buen Retiro Palace The work consisted of the comple- te refurbishment and adaptation of the building located at Calle Her- manos Álvarez Quintero 3, 5 and 7, for housing the Basic Social and Health Care Centre for Drug Addicts, the Vulnerable Families Reception Centre and the Family Care Centre (CAF). co Asís Cabrero, the pavilions were built in 1950. FCC has carried out the comple- te refurbishment of the buildings, maintaining the architectural and environmental values that led to their inclusion in the aforementio- ned level of cataloguing. The façade was completely refurbi- shed, the existing roofs were demoli- shed and waterproofing and flooring work was carried out; in addition, the wooden exterior and interior carpen- try work was restored. FCC Construcción enlarged and re- furbished the Casón del Buen Retiro Palace, one of the only two buildings to have survived the destruction of the Palacio del Buen Retiro, from which it takes its name. Built by Alonso Car- bonel in 1637, it was initially designed as a space for the ballroom of the Court of Felipe IV. It is now part of the Prado Museum. The first objective of this project was to enlarge the floor space of the buil- ding, providing it with two basements, .the entrance floor and the first base- ment. To this end, the existing foun- dation was re-routed to a new foun- dation at a greater depth. The second objective included the complete refurbishment of the exis- ting ground, first and second floors, reorganising the spaces to house the exhibition halls, common public ser- vices and internal museum services. C O M M U N I T I E S 63 C O M M U N I T I E S