Somos FCC - Nº5

The house was built in the 16th cen- tury by order of Francisco Vargas, a member of the Council of Castile du- ring the reign of the Catholic Monar- chs, on the remains of an old medieval building, where Ivan de Vargas, a me- dieval knight of the Vargas family, one of the oldest lineages of Madrid, lived between the 11th and 12th centuries. Vargas Palace Mayorales Pavilion In 1562, work began on the refurbish- ment work that would transform the Vargas country house into a recreatio- nal villa-palace, a project directed by the architect Juan Bautista de Toledo. During the seventeenth and eighte- enth centuries, different remodelling works were carried out, such as the conversion of the original windows into handcrafted wrought iron balconies or the appearance of the main façade, among other actions. The refurbishment carried out by FCC consisted of the complete restoration of the palace’s original solutions, buil- ding the façades with hammer mortar cladding and reconstructing the ori- ginal roofing solution, with a tile and mansard finish on the fronts and walls. This building is the oldest preserved in the Casa de Campo enclosure, which corresponds to the livestock exhibitions of the 1930s. It is a ba- silical nave with three sections. The central and highest of these has a skylight running on both sides and a structure of triangular metal trusses. FCC Construcción has carried out the complete refurbishment of the former Mayoral Pavilion of the Casa de Campo, maintaining the architec- tural and environmental values that led to its inclusion in the aforemen- tioned level of classification as Pro- tection Level 1, Integral grade. C O M M U N I T I E S 62 C O M M U N I T I E S