Somos FCC - Nº5

One of Madrid’s architectural jewels, its 18.6 hectares have served over the past four centuries as vineyards, dairy farms, and the home of illus- trious. The Torres Arias Palace is situated in Madrid’s Alcalá Street in the Canillejas district. The Torre Arias estate was assigned to Madrid’s City Council. Since then, several works have been carried out, the most significant one being the opening of the gardens to the city’s residents last year. In order to maintain and recover the historic value of this estate, Madrid’s City Council awarded FCC Construc- ción a project involving the recovery of the architectural complex. The main building consists of the pa- lace; three naves that start from the north wing, which served as stables and shed storehouse; an isolated building on the northern boundary, which was used as a slaughterhou- se; a small garden house and a buil- ding, also isolated, called Caseta del Guarda, at the south entrance, next to Alcalá Street. Declared an Asset of Cultural In- terest, the Casa de la Carnicería is part of one of the buildings that ori- ginally gave life to the popular Plaza Mayor in Madrid. According to sour- ces, at first the building was used as a meat storage facility that supplied the capital’s markets. The building was also used as a municipal news- Consolidation of the Torre Arias Palace buildings Plaza Mayor-Casa de la Carnicería The work in the different buildings have been carried out according to their degree of deterioration, as the state of conservation varied consi- derably from one to another. Con- sequently, the projects were divided into two phases. The first phase in- volved the replacement of the roofs and the rehabilitation of the façades (2015-2017); and the second pha- se, which is currently underway, is aimed at consolidating the structure and replacing the carpentry works (2017-2019). paper library at the beginning of the 20th century. In 2014, FCC Construcción began renovation and refurbishment work on the Casa de la Carnicería, in- cluding the replacement of the roof structure and the construction of a new one, as well as the installation of the slate insulation, cladding panel in the front and the towers, and roofing tiles in the rear. FCC also refurbished the rear façade overlooking Imperial Street. One of the unique aspects of the pro- ject was the scaffold covering the en- tire façade overlooking Plaza Mayor covered with a trompe-l’oeil with a printed photo of the building to main- tain the aesthetics of the square whi- le the project was being executed. C O M M U N I T I E S 60 C O M M U N I T I E S