Somos FCC - Nº5

leader in water management. We ad- mire the company’s strategy of am- bitious but prudent growth outside of its domestic market and its commit- ment to customer service. We look forward to contributing our expertise in the water sector to further the de- velopment of its services.” IFM Investors Global Head of Infras- tructure, Mr. Kyle Mangini commen- ted: “FCC Aqualia is a great com- plement to our existing portfolio of assets. It is dedicated to innovating with its responsibility to society and the environment in mind; this aligns with our focus on long-term sustaina- ble development and stewardship.” Félix Parra, General Manager of Aqualia, also expressed satisfaction at the deal, which, he said, reinfor- ces the firm’s commitment to part- IFM Investors acquisition of a stake in Aqualia reinforces the company’s development strategy and bolsters its positioning in the water management sector Australian investment management company IFM Investors has reached an agreement with FCC to acquire 49% of Aqua- lia for €1,024 million. The agreement is subject to the pertinent regulatory approvals. This operation enhances Aqualia’s capacity to tap into market oppor- tunities that emerge in the next few years and is a testimony to the com- pany’s track record and a recogni- tion of its reputation as an expert technology partner, for administra- tions and industry alike, in the water management area. This is IFM Investors’ first deal in the water industry in continental Europe, and its third globally. The Australian fund has amassed more than fifteen years of experience in the sector, having invested in Wyu- na Water (Australia) in 2003 and An- glian Water (UK) in 2006. IFM Investors, Executive Director – Europe, Mr. Frederic Michel-Verdier said: “This is a rare opportunity to invest in a fast growing, international F C C G R O U P 6 F C C G R O U P