Somos FCC - Nº5

The need to protect and safeguard the listed histo- rical heritage sites and the need for public autho- rities and private companies to refurbish and res- tore landmark buildings in order to transform them into their headquarters represent an opportunity for FCC thanks to its more than 115 years ‘ experience in preserving cultural and historical sites by contri- buting its know-how and professionalism. The FCC Group’s infrastructure area has an ex- tensive portfolio in the rehabilitation of historic and landmark buildings. As part of the municipal plan to refurbish historic buildings in the city of Madrid, the FCC Construcción seal is present in numerous em- blematic buildings in the city that are worth a visit. >>> Among other projects, the following stand out: the rehabilitation and comprehensive extension of the Audiencia Nacional in Madrid, the rehabilitation of the Casón del Buen Retiro; the Torre Arias Palace; the Casa de la Panadería, in the Plaza Mayor, or the comprehensive rehabilitation of the Cibeles Palace, the new headquarters of the Madrid City Council, in which the original structure of the Palace has been maintained and has become one of the most emble- matic buildings in Madrid. ©MADRID DESTINO C O M M U N I T I E S 59 C O M M U N I T I E S