Somos FCC - Nº5

According to the Spanish Confede- ration of Business Organizations (CEOE), economic relations with Spain are currently excellent in Pa- nama, with our country being one of the top ten suppliers to Panama and a leading foreign investor. Currently, numerous companies are participating in public tenders for the award of large projects, inclu- ding Aqualia, which has just landed two contracts in Panama. The first of these was the award for the de- sign, construction, operation and maintenance of the Arraiján was- tewater treatment plant; and the se- cond was the award of the contract for the provision of advisory servi- ces and technical assistance to the El vehículo a biometano del proyecto All-gas atrae la atención durante la inauguración de la nueva fase del proyecto. water public water authority of Panama in its modernization process. For more than 10 years, the FCC Group has been present in Panama, where it has built the first metro line in the city of Panama and is participating in the construction of the second line; the Ciudad Hospitalaria; the Via Brazil Corridor, Sections I and II; and the Luis Chicho Fábrega Regional Hos- pital, among other projects. The Global Competitiveness Report 2016-2017, published by the World Economic Forum, indicates that Pa- nama’s economy has experienced rapid growth over the last ten years, ranking among the 50 most compe- titive economies in the world. The growing economy of this country of more than four million inhabitants and the strength of its banking sys- tem make Panama one of the most solid countries in Latin America. The Arraiján wastewater treat- ment plant, Aqualia’s first con- tract in Panama While this is going on in Panama, the country’s Ministry of Health at the beginning of the year selected Aqualia’s proposal for building the Arraiján wastewater treatment plant. The contract also contemplates the design, operations and maintenance of this facility. The project is part of the plan of the Ministry of Health to improve sanita- B U S I N E S S 17 B U S I N E S S