Somos FCC - Nº5

The FAST consortium, led by FCC, exceeds 70% of progress in the work Metro de Riyadh (Saudi Arabia). This is an important milestone, considering that it is the largest infrastructure con- tract in execution in the world (€ 6,344 million initial budget). All of the civil works of the 64 kilome- tres of route were completed, of which 33 were for viaducts, 24 for tunnels and the rest for roadways. All stations will have air conditioning and will feature state-of-the-art secu- rity and comfort systems, as well as Internet access, with a commercial space and parking areas. In addition, the project includes a series of iconic stations, designed by world-renowned architects, which will serve as major hubs in the city’s public transportation system, created to encourage the use of integral bus and subway networks by passengers coming from areas with a high population density. The commitment of the Riyadh Metro regarding environmental technology stands out for the use of solar ener- gy, which will help save 20% of ener- gy consumption in the main electrical installations. Likewise, a new energy recovery technology has been im- plemented through the “return” to the network of the braking energy of the trains in their approach to the stations. Zero Accidents From the point of view of occupatio- nal health and safety, the figure of 15,000,000 work hours has been rea- ched without any work accidents. This The FAST Consortium, led by FCC, exceeds 70% progress in the largest infrastructures project in the world: the Riyadh Metro (Saudi Arabia) The construction of phase 3 of the Riyadh Metro consists of 64 kilometres of route of which 33 were for viaducts, 24 for tunnels and the rest for roadways. milestone has been achieved due to the high safety standards implemen- ted at the construction site and the commitment of all consortium mem- bers to adopt safety and health as a priority within the execution of the su- burban transport infrastructure. The commissioning of this project will mean a radical change in the city that until now had a minimal presence of public transport. This megaproject will go up to the podium of honour of the best meters in the world. About the Riyadh Metro The Riyadh Metro is the largest metro in the world under construction with six subway lines that will cover 175 kilometres. When it finishes, it will be- come the largest automatic metro in the world. construction B U S I N E S S 14 B U S I N E S S