Somos FCC - Nº5

FCC’s CEO, Esther Alcocer Ko- plowitz, was at the lunch offered on 12 April by the King and Queen of Spain in honour of the crown prin- ce of Saudi Arabia, Mohamed bin Salman, who visited Spain to pre- sent his country’s main plans and projects. The traditional reception was held, before the lunch, at the Teniers Hall, where King Philip and Queen Leticia and the Saudi prince were greeted by Esther Koplowitz. Re- presentatives on the the leading companies in Spain and members of the Spanish Government, among other personalities, were also pre- sent at the reception. FCC in Saudi Arabia FCC is building the Riyadh Metro in Saudi Arabia, a project that includes the design and construction of lines 4 (yellow), 5 (green) and 6 (purple), which will have 25 stations with 64.6 kilometres of metro tracks, 29.8 ki- lometres of viaducts, 26.6 kilome- tres of underground tracks and 8.2 kilometres of surface tracks. In ad- Esther Alcocer Koplowitz , at the reception for Mohamed bin Salman , crown prince of Saudi Arabia Esther Alcocer Koplowitz during the ceremony with King Felipe and Queen Letizia and the Saudi prince Mohamed bin Salman. dition, through its subsidiary, Aqua- lia, which specialises in end-to-end water management, the Company is developing a project to optimi- se the city’s water supply network, which covers an area of more than 6,000 kilometres, and is responsible for managing the affected services of the capital’s metro works and for operating and maintaining the Had- da and Arana water treatment plants in the city of Mecca. F C C G R O U P 13 F C C G R O U P