Somos FCC - Nº5

Through its Corporate Security De- partment (CSD), FCC has as its main objective the protection of its workers and assets. To this end, it must provi- de the organisation with tolerable se- curity levels enabling the normal con- duct of the Group’s activities without hindering its operations while, at the same time, neutralising the possible dangers to which it may be exposed. This protection is underpinned by three pillars: identification, anticipa- tion and prevention. Ensuring security The security management develo- ped by the FCC Group received an award from the prestigious ASIS Security Association (American So- ciety for Industrial Security). During the most recent Annual General Meeting of the Spanish chapter of ASIS and within the re- cognition section for the different companies that stood out for their work in this field during 2017, the ASIS management committee awar- ded the companies Gas Natural, Eu- len, Vodafone and FCC. Two special certificates were also presented to the Police Intervention Units (UIP) of the National Police Force and to the ARS (Agrupación Rural de Se- guridad) of the Civil Guards. In the case of FCC, the award was given in recognition of its commit- ment to the protection and security of its expatriate staff, as well as for the company’s collaboration in the different activities and courses on international security developed by ASIS, including the “3rd Internatio- nal Security Seminar” held in Ma- drid and attended by more than 100 professionals from different coun- tries, where FCC’s Security De- partment gave two presentations: • Mexico and its security envi- ronment, by Joaquín Gonzalez, responsible for security at FCC LATAM. • Security in Saudi Arabia; tradi- tion and future, by Juan Ramón Cánovas, in charge of security for FCC Saudi Arabia and for the Riyadh Metro FAST consortium. FCC awarded for its business security management Juan Muñoz Escribano, Chair of ASIS España; to his right, Juan Ortillés of the Electronics-Technical Office headquarters of the FCC Group Corporate Security and General Services Department. F C C G R O U P 11 F C C G R O U P