Somos FCC - Nº5

FCC Aqualia repurchases 49% of its Czech Republic subsidiary from Mitsui In November, FCC Aqualia reached an agreement with Mitsui to repurchase a 49% stake in the company that heads its water business in the Czech Republic for €92.5 million, thereby recovering 100% of that business and, indirectly, of its Czech subsidiary, SmVak. FCC Aqualia named Water Company of the Year 2017 FCC Aqualia, the company that heads the Water division, was named Water Com- pany of the Year 2017 last December by prestigious iAgua magazine. Aqualia was also the winner in five other categories. FCC Environmental Services divi- sion obtains contract for a second recycling plant in the US In December, the city of Houston, Texas, awarded FCC Environmental Services a contract to design, build and operate a recycling plant; the 15-year contract, with scope for a 5-year extension, represents a backlog of USD 250 million; the plant will initially be able to process 120,000 tons per year. The deal further expands the Company’s footprint in the US, whe- re revenues increased by 66.9% in 2017. Additionally, the Dallas plant, which is operational, was named Recycling Facili- ty of the Year by the US National Waste & Recycling Association (NWRA). Also notable was the entry into service in 2017 of the Company’s ninth ener- gy-from-waste facility; managed by Mer- cia Waste Management, which is owned 50% by the FCC Group, the plant pro- cesses waste from Worcestershire and Herefordshire (UK). FCC Construction ends 2017 with 7.2% growth in the overall backlog At theendof 2017, theGroup’sConstruction area had an aggregate attributable backlog amounting to €4,935.3 million (€4,299.9 in Milestones consolidated terms plus €635.4 million at- tributable in other contracts not reflected in consolidated revenues). This increase was due notably to: (i) upgrade work on three sections of railway line in Transylvania (Romania), worth €599 million attributable to FCC; the work is to be completed in 36 months and establishes Romania as one of FCC’s main markets in this business; and (ii) the adjudication to a consortium headed by Grupo Carso, in which FCC has a 14.3% stake, of a contract to build the terminal building at Mexico City’s new in- ternational airport; the 44-month contract is worth over €3,900 million in total. The backlog does not yet reflect the Co- rredor de las Playas I (Panama) contract, awarded in November to a consortium in- volving the company that heads the Cons- truction division; the 20-month contract, in which the budget attributable to FCC Construction amounts to USD 266 million, is to expand a section of the Inter-Ameri- can Highway. Successful novation of the bulk of the FCC Group’s interest-bearing debt The novation of the conditions governing FCC, S.A.’s syndicated loan came into force on 8 June 2017; this is a milestone in the process of optimising the Group’s finances and had an immediate positi- ve impact on cash flow. The refinancing agreement was completed with the early repayment of €1,069 million of existing borrowings using the funds obtained from two corporate bond issues by FCC Aqualia, S.A. in the international mar- ket. The bonds, with nominal amounts of €700 million and €650 million, mature in 2022 and 2027, respectively, and pay coupons of 2% on average. F C C G R O U P 10 F C C G R O U P