We are FCC - Nº4

CEO of FCC Environmental Services Inigo Sanz, CEO of FCC Environmen- tal Services said, “We are delighted to win this prestigious award for the Dallas MRF. FCC is a company that provides high added value based on more than 115 years of experience. We export our know-how, our conso- lidated experience and a large portfo- lio of references worldwide. We have a magnificent team of highly specia- lized professionals that operate in all branches of engineering, and we provide knowledge, technology and innovation to every project we carry out. In addition, we have a strongly implemented corporate responsibility policy, which stems from senior ma- nagement, and which is based on su- pporting the local communities where we operate.” The National Waste & Recycling Association is the leading organiza- tion providing leadership, advocacy, research, education and safety ex- pertise for the waste and recycling industries. NWRA advocates at the Federal, State and Local levels on all issues of importance to our member companies as they provide safe, eco- nomically sustainable and environ- mentally sound services to communi- ties in all 50 states and the District of Columbia NWRA Indoor view of the Dallas MRF where thousands of tons of glass, plastic, metal, paper, cardboard, and other materials will return to the market over the coming years. The facility was designed to handle 140,000 tonnes per year. The facility covrs a total area of 5.3 hectares, equivalent to the size of eight soccer fields. F C C G R O U P F C C G R O U P 9