We are FCC - Nº4

Esther Alcocer Koplowitz, Chair of FCC Group, received an award from the magazine Cambio 16 recogni- sing FCC in the “Best company of the year” category. During her speech, the Chair thanked the management for winning this award and wished to share this distinction with everyo- ne that forms FCC Group. “It is with pride and enormous satisfaction that I receive this prize from Cambio 16 for FCC as the best company of the year. I would like to share it with everyone who forms part of the company, which has always been distinguished for its commitment, high level of professio- nalism and its public service vocation. This prize is for them.” Cambio 16 noted that FCC is a lea- ding international public services company, a world leader in the areas of environmental services, full-cycle water management and infrastructu- re. With more than 115 years of his- tory, the globalising and international expansion experienced by the Group means that it is now present in more FCC wins the Cambio 16 “Best Company of the Year” award Esther Koplowitz received the “Soli- darity” prize from the magazine Cam- bio 16 for her continuous efforts to im- prove the lives of people with limited economic resources. During the Cambio 16 awards ce- remony, she was mentioned and described as an excellent manager, philanthropist and businesswoman, and a reference thanks to her social commitment. Esther was grateful for the prize received and stated that “it is an honour for me to receive this prize which I accept in the name of everyone who has been able to help throughout my life.” Her concern for the needs of the most disadvantaged members of society is channeld through the foundation that she founded that is financed exclusi- vely with her contributions. The foundation is mainly dedicated to social works in favour of the peo- ple most in need of psycho-sanitary assistance for the young, the ill and the disabled as well as encouraging research, education, culture, the arts and sciences, and the protection and sustainability of the environment. Esther Koplowitz recives the solidarity award granted by the magazine Cambio 16 Esther Alcocer Koplowitz, CEO of FCC was in charge of collecting the prize. than 35 countries. It also noted that its development is based on responsible growth through the creation of value for the company and its shareholders, with which it has built a sustainable business with a great outlook for the future. The magazine also focused on the company’s more than 55,000 em- ployees, who live a corporate culture based on the principles of integrity, professionalism and transparency. The Cambio 16 awards, granted by this prestigious publication, annually distinguish all personalities and insti- tutions that stand out for demonstra- ting confidence and leadership in a time of volatility and uncertainty. Their examples contribute to ensuring the planet’s future and the well-being of the public. Esther Alcocer Koplowitz, Chair of FCC, with Jorge Neri, CEO of Cambio 16. F C C G R O U P F C C G R O U P 7