We are FCC - Nº4

The Chairman Esther Alcocer Koplowitz and Pablo Colio, the Company’s CEO, both at the centre, accompanied by the award-winning employees. At an event held in the Las Tablas headquarters in Madrid, the FCC Group gave out the loyalty awards to those who have been working in the Company for 40 and 25 years. Es- ther Alcocer Koplowitz, Chair of the FCC Group and Pablo Colio, CEO of the FCC Group, presided over the event accompanied by Agustín García Gila, chairman of FCC Me- dio Ambiente, and Félix Parra, Ma- naging Director of Aqualia. Pablo Colio welcomed the guests and congratulated the award-win- ners, thanking them for their dedi- cation, loyalty and commitment and expressed his desire that they con- tinue working together to build the FCC pays tribute to employees who have been 40 and 25 years with the Company Fidelity Awards future of FCC. During his speech, Pablo Colio highlighted the fact that the FCC Group is already genera- ting profit and that its good positio- ning will enable it to face the future marked by growth. Esther Alcocer Koplowitz, in her warm speech, thanked them sincerely for their work and efforts during their pro- fessional careers and their commit- ment and loyalty to FCC. The awards were given afterwards, recognising the careers of those professionals who have dedicated 40 and 25 years to the company. The loyalty awards were also given in the Barcelona (capital city) branch office as well as in the branch Cata- luña 1 and Balmes Central Services branch offices in an event headed by Francisco Xavier Martín Garriga, manager of FCC Medio Ambiente’s Zone I branch office. AWARDS F C C G R O U P F C C G R O U P 6