We are FCC - Nº4

Jaén City Council awards FCC Environment the contract for waste collection , street cleaning and upkeep of green areas FCCMedio Ambiente recognised by the Fundación Integra for its commitment to the inclusion of vulnerable groups into the workforce FCC Medio Ambiente publishes its sixth Sustainability Report FCC Environment wins the contract for street cleaning and waste collection in El Puerto de Santa María (Cadiz) Jaén City Council has awarded FCC Medio Ambiente the contract to provide waste collection, street cleaning and upkeep of green spaces services for 12 years, plus two possible four-year extensions. It involves annual sales of almost €12 million for a contract total of about €143 million. FCC has been providing muni- cipal services in the city since 1985. The awards were presented during the annual celebration held by the Fun- dación Integra to companies committed to socially responsible employment, the inclusion of the disabled and those at risk of social exclusion from the labour market. Jordi Payet, Chief Executive Officer of FCC Medio Ambiente, accepted the award on behalf of FCC Medio Ambiente. FCC Medio Ambiente has published the sixth Sustai- nability Report for its division in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guide for preparing sustainability reports and checked by an independent external organisation that vouches for the compliance of its contents with version G4 of the guide and its corre- lation with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) prioritised by the organisation. FCC Medio Ambiente, together with its stakeholders, is adding its contribution to compliance with the Agenda 2030 objectives. FCC Medio Ambiente has won the contract for street clea- ning and waste collection in El Puerto de Santa María up to 31 December 2020, with a possible extension of one year. The value of the contract is €37.3 million. The contract was signed on 29 November by the Mayor of El Puerto de Santa María, David de la Encina, the Deputy Mayor for the Economy, Antonio Fernández, the Director of the Andalusia II Branch of FCC, Francisco José Cifuentes, and the Provincial Manager, Luis Luque. FCC has provided the service in El Puerto directly or throu- gh various subsidiaries since 1980. For this new contract, FCC Medio Ambiente is committed to innovation and the use of clean fuels and clean and renewable energies to en- sure a more sustainable service. B R I E F B R I E F - E N V I R O N M E N T 58 ENVIRONMENT