We are FCC - Nº4

The Catalonia and Balearic Islands Regional Office of FSC Inserta (ONCE Foundation) has congratulated FCC Medio Ambiente (the Spanish brand for FCC Environment) on the responsible initiatives for the inclusion of underprivileged groups presented at the interna- tional Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC), held on 14–16 November in Barcelona. Aware of the need for a position of responsibility and integration, FCC made a set of material resources and initiatives available to the ONCE Foundation in order to provide a service adapted to each person’s needs. Besides providing simultaneous translation for people with hearing difficulties and guided visits with a route specially designed for visually impaired people, FCC made several electric scooters available for people with limited mobility at the information point, in order to facilitate the route and present the SCEWC to them. FCC’s partnership with the ONCE Foundation has been a very in- tense and fruitful one for more than 15 years now. Over this period, the company and the foundation have served as an instrument and bridge to enable hundreds of workers to gain access to the labour market. Many people have passed through the company on their way to other firms or professional activities, some to acquire initial training and experience so they can go on to integrate more effectively into the labour market, while others have stayed put within the company. As a result, and as a sign of greater partnership ambitions, the “In- serta Agreement” was signed, first at the Barcelona City Office and then throughout FCC. FCC’s social commitment These actions and developments are part of FCC’s global social commitment towards the communities where we provide services, striving to improve labour-market insertion and social integration for vulnerable groups who encounter difficulties when it comes to securing jobs. As part of this spirit of social commitment, FCC has entered into partnership agreements throughout Spain with the Red Cross, the Madrid Down Syndrome Foundation and most recently with the Norte Joven Association, the Full Inclusion Foundation at Aragón and the A La Par (formerly Carmen Pardo-Valcárcel) Foundation. ONCE Foundation congratulates FCC Environment on the responsible initiatives presented at the international Smart City conference C O M M U N I C A T I O N C O M M U N I C A T I O N 57