We are FCC - Nº4

Matinsa, an FCC Group Company spe- cialising in the conservation of infras- tructures, won a fire prevention and extinguishing service contract for the eastern part of the Madrid Autono- mous Community. The budget for the contract is 46 million euros. The contract covers the eastern area of the Region of Madrid and involves fire prevention and extinguishing work across all months of the year. In the season of low forest fire risk, priority is given to prevention work. This is ca- rried out by 13 teams, two mechani- sed forestry units, four support teams and one CODIF (forest fire defence operational centre). During the high risk season, priority is given to extin- guishing work carried out by two he- licopter-transported teams, 12 teams, four patrols, four support teams and one CODIF. The operation has two Bell 412 heli- copters, 10 heavy forestry pumps of 3,500 litres, 13 light forestry pumps of 450 litres and four forestry tractors for grubbing and removing remains as well as multiple personnel transport vehicles. Matinsa has undertaken similar work since 1998 for the Region of Madrid General Emergencies Directorate and has managed the fire extingui- shing and rescue service for the Council of Pontevedra since 2013. Founded in 1992, Matinsa is an FCC Group Company that is the leader in the Spanish infrastruc- ture conservation industry. Its activities include all areas of the conservation of major infras- tructure works (roads, railways, water works and forestry work) as well as services for impro- ving energy efficiency Matinsa obtains the fire prevention and extinguishing service contract for the eastern area of the Region of Madrid Since 1992 During the high-risk season, priority is given to extinguishing work carried out by two helicopter- transported brigades, twelve standby teams, four patrols and one CODIF (forest fire defence operational centre). C O M M U N I T I E S C O M M U N I T I E S 52