We are FCC - Nº4

tem and the recycling percentages in Bilbao for the next six years, the se- lective organic matter collection will be extended to all of Bilbao (1,400 additional containers). For this, a si- de-loading collection system will be implemented, the same currently used for the collection of other mate- rials: black bag waste, packaging and commercial cardboard, using contai- ners opened with an electronic card, allowing better management and at- tention for operators. The paper-car- dboard (+20%) and used oils (+70%) containers will also be reinforced. Selective collection As an innovation, selective collection will also be implemented in the muni- cipal markets, differentiating between waste fractions, organic matter, pa- per-cardboard and polystyrene. The new contract also includes the full renovation of two of the four recycling points or ‘Bilbogarbis’ and the par- tial renovation of the other two. This will make them more accessible and comfortable for the public with easier functioning adapted to the new regu- lations for handling the new types of wastes that can be deposited. There will also be a selection space (‘Berre- rabilgunea’) that will allow a second life to some materials deposited by the public that are susceptible for re- use. The ‘Bilbogarbis’ mobile service is reinforced with two new vehicles in addition to the existing one. FCC is committed to arriving at 2020 with recovery rates through selective collection of 50% of waste generated, complying with the European Directi- ve and the enabling Royal Decree. The highest quality cleaning service will also be extended (daily cleaning as well as maintenance checks throu- ghout the day, provided until now only in the city centre) to almost all the dis- tricts in Bilbao, to the districts consi- dered as ‘district hubs’ in which there is commercial or lodging activities. To provide all these services, the con- ventional equipment will be reinforced with more efficient and state-of-the- art machinery. Special services In addition to the usual sweeping and washing services, other special servi- ces will be carried out including faça- de cleaning, scrubbing and stripping pavements, removing chewing gum and the disinfection and cleaning up of dog excrement, for which the num- ber of multi-use equipment will be increased. Another important innova- tion is the incorporation of self-prope- lled light vacuum cleaners to maintain cleanliness in busy areas. The centre of Bilbao will continue to be swept and washed at night, using pressure equipment that minimises water consumption for this work with the same effectiveness as now. Elec- tric sweepers of various sizes will mi- nimise the fumes, heat and noise ge- nerated by conventional engines. The rest of the city will be swept with con- ventional sweepers, some of which will be “dual” sweepers/washers. Both litter bins and containers will be subject to a detailed control and maintenance for which they will be identified with a tag that gives details of their location and filling. All the data relating to the service from the work teams (time schedu- les, performance, status, incidents, quality, etc.), the containers and litter bins will be processed on a computer management platform designed and defined exclusively by FCC Medio Ambiente for the city of Bilbao. This platform will allow the implementation of the “Friendly” service, that is, it is carried out effectively but with the mi- nimum of nuisance for the public. This is the sixth contract connecting FCC Medio Ambiente with Bilbao City Council without interruption since 1972. C O M M U N I T I E S C O M M U N I T I E S 49