We are FCC - Nº4

Bilbao City Council awarded a joint venture in which FCC has a majority stake, a four-year contract , that could be extended for an additional two years, for cleaning and waste collec- tion services in the city and for was- te management at Mercabilbao (the central market). The contract is worth more than 43 million per annum and represents a backlog, excluding the extensions, of 173.4 million euros. This is the sixth contract connecting FCC Medio Ambiente (the Spanish brand for FCC Environment) with Bil- bao City Council without interruption since 1972. The contract awarded this time differs from others in that it is divided into two lots. Lot 1 corresponds to street clea- ning services and waste collection in the city of Bilbao while the Lot 2 con- FCC Medio Ambiente to provide waste collection and street cleansing services in Bilbao and serve Mercabilbao for the next four years templates waste management for the company Mercabilbao. FCC Medio Ambiente received the highest score in the public tender process called by the City Council in which the leading companies in the industry submitted their offers. In order to perform the work entailed, FCC will have an average staff of 664 operators for Lot 1 and 14 operators for Lot 2. Bilbao has almost 350,000 inhabi- tants and with this contract, more than 144,000 tonnes of municipal so- lid waste will be handled per year. It will be removed and transferred to va- rious handlers for treatment, the main destination being the Arraiz-Artigas environmental management complex. 80% of the fleet to be replaced FCC will renew more than 80% of the current waste collection fleet (201 new vehicles and 47 reconditio- ned). It is also committed to environ- ment-friendly technologies since it will incorporate 62 electric, non-polluting vehicles in the service, forming 25% of the fleet. The company will put new technical means into operation, adapted to the properties of the waste to be collec- ted and the specific needs of the city. This includes side-loading collection vehicles of various sizes and small hybrid-electrical vehicles with no po- llutants, or sound emissions, for refu- se collection in city’s historic district. In addition, to improve the service for citizens, the efficiency of the sys- FCC will renew more than 80% of the current waste collection fleet (201 new vehicles and 47 reconditioned). It is also committed to environ- ment-friendly technologies since it will incorporate 62 electric, non-polluting vehicles in the service, forming 25% of the fleet. C O M M U N I T I E S C O M M U N I T I E S 48