We are FCC - Nº4

With more than 115 years’ history in providing urban services, FCC has been a pioneer in research into and the introduction of new sustainable and efficient technologies, becoming the leading company in the citizen services sector to develop and launch the first electric lorry for the collection of solid urban waste. FCC Group’s Environmental Services business unit currently has a fleet of urban service vehicles featuring the most innovative systems on the mar- ket. It consists of nearly 12,000 indus- trial vehicles employed in environ- mental and urban activities of which 550 are electric, hybrid, or self-re- chargeable electric vehicles featuring exclusive FCC technology. According to the Company, this state-of-the art technology, the most advanced that FCC celebrates more than 40 years committed to electric mobility for municipal services Madrid 2017, self-recharging electric vehicle with lithium ion batteries exists for waste collection services, is the result of research carried out over more than 40 years through its Machi- nery Department which has, since its origins, invested in projects designed to achieve more comfortable and sus- tainable cities. The electric vehicle fleet provides a service with a lower environmental impact and achieves various funda- mental advantages: it does not po- llute, its emissions are zero referred to the energy consumed and sound emissions are within the lowest tech- nically possible limit, especially during start-up, braking and in the use of the bodywork. FCC’s technology rea- ches these advantages without losing power or load capacity performance compared to a vehicle with a conven- tional diesel engine. It also delivers The fleet consists of nearly 12,000 industrial vehicles employed in environmental and urban activities of which 550 are electric, hybrid, or self-rechargeable electric vehicles featuring exclusive FCC technology. DID YOU KNOW …? D I D Y O U K N O W … ? 14