We are FCC - Nº4

FCC has built more than 25 ma- jor facilities throughout the world that have housed some of the main sports events in disciplines such as football, tennis, motor- cycling and athletics. These are cutting-edge, sustainable and functional venues in which FCC Construcción has added value with its technical and human capability to overcome major challenges. Efficiency, innovati- ve solutions and the use of the most modern technology have been guarantees for success, demonstrating the Company’s leadership in this field. A leader in sports facilities ture has a social function, giving value to other transport infrastructures such as line 7 of the Madrid Metro. In FCC Construcción, the jury valued the de- sign, its capacity as a construction company for complying with the sche- dules and the high technical quality. The stadium occupies a total area of 88,150 square metres and has the capacity to house more than 60,000 fans distributed in a general area and a VIP area. It also has more than 1,000 parking spaces for fans in the stadium and 3,000 outdoor parking spaces. The cutting edge design of the sports complex carries the stamp of the ar- chitects Cruz y Ortiz. The concrete of 83,053 square metres. The mem- brane consists of 720 PTFE (polyte- trafluoroethylene) panels weighing 92 tonnes. The roof covers the grands- tand and ensures that 96% of the seats are protected from rain. It forms a special and differentiating element from the rest of European sports ins- tallations designed in recent years. The numbers dealt with by FCC Group are surprising in their magni- tude. More than 2,881 workers took part in the project. To make the sta- dium possible, it required 455,000 tonnes of concrete and seven tower cranes to carry 4,200 square metres of glass. finishes and the wide interior spaces allowing fans to move throughout the complex are particularly noteworthy. The distribution of the new grands- tands puts fans and/or spectators near the pitch. The new stadium has three T-shaped grandstands, lower grandstand consisting of 28 levels at the bottom and, in the preference areas, the middle grandstand with 13 levels for VIPs with direct access from the outside and, finally, a high grandstand supported on a perimeter building with 32 levels, containing the public accesses, VIP boxes and com- plementary services. FCC also built a space with 94 boxes in the lower area of the high grandstand. The stadium’s roof deserves special mention. It is built with a steel struc- ture of some 6,336 tonnes, tensioned with radial tables and connected with a membrane that occupies an area The new stadium is the first in the world to be lit entirely by LED tech- nology, transforming the skyline of the city of Madrid. More than 16 mi- llion colours will be projected in each game. Without doubt, this is a project that represents a modern, functional and first rate venue when compared to other stadiums in Europe and even the world. VIDEO VIDEO The stadium occupies a total area of 88,150 square metres. F C C G R O U P F C C G R O U P 13