We are FCC - Nº3

FCC Environment to provide was- te collection and street cleaning services in Bilbao and serve Mer- cabilbao for the next four years FCC responds to hurricanes Irma and Harvey FCC joins #ForTheClimate Community Initiative FCC Medio Ambiente wins pre-collec- tion, collection, and transport of waste from the municipalities members of the Lea-Artibai (Biscay) Local Area As- sociation FCC Environment awarded the contract to manage the Pinto light-packaging waste sorting plant (Madrid) Bilbao City Council has awarded a joint venture in which FCC has the majority shareholding, a contract for providing street cleaning and waste collection services in the city and waste management at Mercabilbao for a term of four years which could be extended for another two years. The annual contract value exceeds €43 million, with a total backlog, wi- thout extensions, of €173.4 million. FCC Environmental Services has responded to Hurrica- ne Harvey and Hurricane Irma by clearing floodwaters and aiding small businesses in Houston, as well as ta- king part in the clean-up operation in Polk County. FCC Group, through FCC Environment and FCC Cons- truction, has joined the Community Initiative #ForThe Climate. We are committed to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from our activities through the imple- mentation of good practices and by contributing to the Fight for the Climate. Being part of the pioneering #For- TheClimate initiative links us to a community of people, companies, organisations and public administrations who want to play an active part in the fight against Cli- mate Change. This initiative emerged from the project The Lea-Artibai (Biscay) Lo- cal Area Association awarded a contract to the joint venture of which FCC Medio Ambiente is the majority shareholder, for services involving the pre-co- llection, collection ad transport of waste generated by the mu- nicipalities members of this As- sociation for an eight-year term plus a 2-year extension. Total revenues from the contract amount to more than 4.9 million euros. FCC Medio Ambiente has been awarded a five-year con- tract, worth a backlog of 10.5 million euros, to manage the Pinto light-packaging waste sorting plant that belongs to Mancomunidad del Sur (Intermunicipal association of Southern Madrid region). The facility processes a total of 23,000 tonnes per year of light-packaging selective waste, collected in yellow bags, in order to recover the recyclable fraction of these contai- ners. The facility is one of the largest of its kind in Spain, providing services to a population of 1.7 million and em- ploying 37 people. that brought to COP-21 in Paris more than “One Million Commitments” to the climate by Spanish institutions and citizens. B R I E F B R I E F - E N V I R ONME N T 52 ENVIRONMENT