We are FCC - Nº3

Arad Streetball took place on the 26th of August, in Avram Iancu Market (be- hind the „Ioan Slavici“ Clasic Theatre of Arad), between 09:30 – 21:00. The event was part of Arad Days, a tradi- tional event organized every year by the City Hall of Arad, through the Mu- nicipal Cultural Center of Arad. Basketball fans from Arad and sport lovers in general, had the opportunity to participate in a unique event, orga- nized for the 1st time in Arad, for tho- se who love competition and outdoor activities. The competition gathered 16 amateur teams, both women and men, from Arad, but also from Timisoara. Des- Arad Streetball: for the 1st time in Arad! Arad (Rumanía) pite the heat from that day, they ma- naged to entertain us with successful matches. Of course, one of the team was the FCC Environment Romania team, which surprised us with their results. Also, Lucie Zumrova, our Head of Communication & CSR had the opportunity to practice one of her hobbies (the basketball) by participa- ting in the competition. Beside the basketball competition, the event offered to the audience other side events, such as: demonstrative games, a children competition where bins and a lot of colored balls were involved, with Gabriel Iazbinscky (the moderator of the event), cycling les- sons with Cristian Jidovu - from FitA- cademy and a lot of music. One of the attractions was the de- monstrative match between the girls from FCC-ICIM Arad and the repre- sentatives of UTA, the football team of Arad. At the end of the event, the winners were celebrated at the Award Cere- mony, where they received cups, me- dals and many other surprises. FCC Environment România (former .A.S.A. Servicii Ecologice) orga- nized in collaboration with FCC-ICIM Arad, the women’s basketball team of Arad, the 1st edition of Arad Streetball event.