We are FCC - Nº3

The client, Corporación Autó- noma Regional de Cundimarca, thanked FCC Construcción for its work and, in the results of the project, mentioned that last win- ter the volume of water reached 122 cubic metres per second, peaking at 202 cubic metres per second, more than surpas- sing the normal levels which are usually at around 50 cubic me- tres per second. This confirmed that the results of the execution of this project were in line with expectations and as contempla- ted in the original design as well as the Company’s excellent exe- cution of the project. FCC Construcción was in char- ge of expanding the river’s hy- draulic section and of the protec- tive longitudinal mounds. It also executed the necessary excava- tion and dredging for enlarging the river’s hydraulic section. All this work makes it possible to minimise the risk of flooding by reducing the levels of the sheet of water as contemplated in the project. The project was divided into three sections as contempla- ted in the project: A, B and C with section A extending from K. 0+000 to approximately K. 21+000; section B from K. 21+000 to K. 35+000 and section C from K. 35+000 to K. 40+000 and the addition to this one from K40+0000 to K 52+500. C O M M U N I T I E S C O M M U N I T I E S 46