We are FCC - Nº15

FCC has joined the new Madrid Fu- turo non-profit association, founded to promote and encourage projects aimed at boosting the revival of Ma - drid’s economy and society after the crisis stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic. The projects will be developed in the field of sustainability and the city’s digital transformation. They will re - volve around three axes: Spanish FCC joins Madrid Futuro , an initiative aimed at boosting the revival of the capital’s economy and society after COVID-19 language and culture, health and well-being, and sport. Almost thirty major companies and entities that signed this associa - tion’s articles of incorporation and its bylaws sponsor the project. The Madrid City Council supports the establishment of Madrid Futuro and will help promote joint initiatives that will benefit the city of Madrid and its inhabitants. The association will be headed by Manuel Bretón, president of Cáritas, an organisation that sponsors Ma - drid Futuro. The mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, will be the honorary president of this initia - tive, while the deputy mayor, Bego - ña Villacís, will be the honorary vi - ce-president. Family photo taken at the founding ceremony of the association Madrid Futuro. 9 F C C G R O U P F C C G R O U P