We are FCC - Nº15

The Citizen Services Group, in keeping with its commit - ted policy to sustainable development, rational manage- ment of resources and the search for innovative solutions that contribute to improving respect for the environment, has implemented a system for energy management in the building of its Central Headquarters in Las Tablas (Madrid), based on the ISO-50001 standard. This system requires measuring the consumption of the various facilities so that, in the case of identifying any unforeseen increase, it is possible to identify the causes then seek and implement proposals to improve energy performance. FCC improves the energy performance of its headquarters building in Las Tablas (Madrid) During the period 2018-2019, FCC has managed to im - prove the energy efficiency of its headquarters by taking responsible measures aimed at reducing consumption: • Continuous optimization of air conditioning and lighting settings. • Renewal of energy-consuming equipment for others of greater efficiency (LED lighting in offices). • Improvement of the efficiency in the energy consumption facilities. These measures have resulted in savings as reflected in a reduction of CO 2 emissions by 1% in electrical energy. F C C G R O U P 8 F C C G R O U P