We are FCC - Nº15

He also highlighted the company’s commitment to guarantee citizens services such as waste collection and treatment and street cleaning, the end-to-end water cycle and the management and maintenance of transport infrastructures, all of which are critical and fundamental at this time. Also present at the event were the CEO of Iberdrola, Ángeles Santa - maría; Abel Matutes, president of the Palladium Hotel Group; Miguel Fernández, general manager of Merck; and Ángeles Delgado, presi- dent of Fujitsu. As part of this event, Ana Benita, Corporate Director of Human Re - sources of the FCC Group, parti- cipated in the XPERIENCE panel, where she reminded the audience of the milestones and activities that have marked the path of FCC as a Group in recent years, and empha- sized the role of each of the more than 57,000 workers that the com - pany has in the 35 countries whe - re it operates. Not leaving it aside and calling it a “storm”, Ana Benita delved into the duties of society to overcome it: “It is time to weather the storm, to join forces, to colla- borate among organizations to face this inevitable uncertainty. It is time to use intelligence and resilience”. “We need leaders who promote cri - tical thinking in our company. We want employees who share ideas openly, and our leaders must also promote those ideas in an open and free manner,” he added, finally emphasizing the social responsibi- lity of the company, whose DNA is marked by “transparency, integri- ty and authenticity. XPERIENCE FCC served as a platform to per- petuate the meaning of the YOU_ campaign, created by the FCC Group, which puts people first in the sustainable execution of the Pablo Colio speech VIDEO VIDEO F C C G R O U P 6 F C C G R O U P