We are FCC - Nº15

water Mexican state of Sonora, for a to- tal period of 20 years. The new facility, which is already being completed and will soon be ope- rational, will serve nearly 100,000 inhabitants. In the Aztec country, Aqualia has been participating since 2015 in the operation and maintenance of the complete system of the El Realito aqueduct for the conduc- tion and purification of water from the El Realito dam (on the border of the States of Guanajuato and San Luis Potosí) to the metropoli- tan area of San Luis Potosí (capi- tal of the state of the same name). The company is also part of the concessionaire of the Aqueduct System II, which supplies 700,000 people in Querétaro State. In Colombia Aqualia is in the final phase of the project for the design, construction and assistance in the operation of the treatment plant of El Salitre, located in Bogota. Once completed, the treatment plant will process a flow of more than 600,000 cubic meters of water per day (m3/day) and will serve 3 mi- llion people in the Colombian ca- pital. Additionally, as of this year, Aqualia is providing end-to-end water cycle services in 13 Colom- bian municipalities, distributed in two department, where it serves more than 450,000 inhabitants. In addition, Ecuador recently in- augurated the Wastewater Treat- ment Plant (WWTP) in Ambato, which serves more than 220,000 inhabitants. The project involves extending the city’s wastewater treatment coverage, which until now was less than 5%. Conse- quently, the treatment plant will improve the health conditions of the population, as well as preser- ve the quality of water resources and enhance the economic and social development of the territory. Aqualia currently provides ser- vices in four LATAM countries: Mexico, Chile, Colombia and Ecuador. Aqualia is the water management company owned by the Citizen Services Group FCC (51%) and by the Australian ethical fund IFM Investors (49%). The company is the fourth largest water company in Europe by population served and is among the top ten in the world, according to the latest Global Water Intelligence ranking (August 2019). Currently serving over 25 million users in 17 countries: Algeria, The AMBATO WWTP (Ecuador). Guaymas Bay, (Sonora, Mexico). The Cuernavaca WWTP (Morelos, Mexico). B U S I N E S S 16 B U S I N E S S