We are FCC - Nº15

Energy from Waste (Efw) thermal treatment facility at Millerhill, near Edinburgh (UK). environment About FCC Servicios Medio Ambiente Holding For over one hundred years now, the Environ- mental Services Area at FCC has provided municipal services and comprehensive waste management services, serving almost 60 mi- llion people across almost 5,000 towns and cities. The company is active in twelve coun- tries providing a range of different services, underscoring its extensive experience in the sector. Its activities include, but are not limited to waste collection, treatment and recycling, energy recovery and the elimination of munici- pal solid waste; street cleaning; maintenance of sewerage networks; maintenance and con- servation of green spaces; the treatment and elimination of industrial waste; and the resto- ration of contaminated soil. Currently, it handles around 25 million tonnes of waste and produces in the region of 3.5 million tonnes of secondary raw materials (SRM) and refuse-derived fuel (RDF). The company has more than 700 waste handling facilities, of which more than 200 are envi- ronmental complexes dedicated to treating and recycling this waste, including 11 Energy from Waste projects. About iCON iCON Infrastructure LLP (“iCON Infrastruc- ture”) is an independent investment firm that primarily seeks to invest in infrastructure firms, mainly in Europe and North America. Its investments, led by funds advised by iCON Infrastructure, include stakeholdings in Moun- taineer Gas Company and TruVista in the USA; Capstone Power and Vista Services in Cana- da; Verbrugge International, Service Terminal Rotterdam and Combined Cargo Terminals in the Netherlands; Gruppo Spinelli, EGEA and Eco Eridania in Italy; Hannover Airport and USG in Germany; Stockholm Gas in Sweden; Nua Healthcare Services in Ireland; Arcadia in Spain; and Bristol Water, Gridlink, SELCHP and Choice Care Group in the United Kingdom. B U S I N E S S 13 B U S I N E S S