We are FCC - Nº15

An increasingly more ambitious challenge In this event, FCC contributes to Sustainable Deve- lopment Goals No. 4, Quality Education, and No. 13, Climate Action since part of our activity is to teach and raise awareness amongst society at large, employees and their families on the importance of a responsible use of resources and respect for the environment to improve the world in which we live and minimise the social, economic and environmental problems identi- fied. The Group wants to be part of the solution to the challenge represented by the 2030 Agenda for Sustai- nable Development and its Goals (SDGs) and makes a daily effort to increase its contribution to the achieve - ment of the 17 SDGs. FCC wants to offer a fun and sustainable activity, thus promoting the creativity of the little ones, so they can show the vision of the world they dream of in a drawing. The competition also has attractive prizes, classified by category, including a prize for the drawing with the most likes on Instagram. FCC launches the second international Drawing Competition for Children , open to employees’ children, nephews and grandchildren 25 September marks the fifth anniversary of the approval of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and FCC celebrates it with the launch of “Back to the future”, the second international Drawing Competition for Children, for the sons/daughters, nephews/nieces and grandchildren of FCC Group employees, translated into 14 languages and reaching all countries in which FCC is present. FCC and its contribution to the SDGs As part of the group’s Corporate Social Responsibility Policy, it is clear that the FCC Group wants to be part of the solution to the challenge represented by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable De- velopment and its Goals (SDGs), approved in 2015 by the United Nations (UN), with the aim of taking better advantage of the opportunities in different markets. The company’s CSR Master Plan was prepared with this aim and in relation to the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations. The Plan addresses the latest international sustainability trends and translates them into different corporate initiatives and actions that provide a tangible value to the business and from which the different areas of the Group benefit. The challenges posed by the Sustainable Development Goals are perfectly integrated into the company’s sustainable strategy. A year on and as we have been doing for more than a decade, the Group has renewed its commitment to the Principles of the United Nations’ Global Compact. 11 F C C G R O U P F C C G R O U P