Somos FCC - Nº14

Also noteworthy are the Lima metro; the construction of three lines of the Riyadh metro, the world’s largest metro project under construction, the Panama metro, the Dohar metro (Qatar), the award of the new “Nor- th Runway” runway at Dublin airport (Ireland), the A9 ring road around Amsterdam and its airport, the re- novation of Santiago Bernabéu Sta - dium or the contract for the design and construction of section 2 of the Tren Maya (Mexico). It is also important to note the con- tracts FCC has won in the United States. Today FCC Environmental Services is one of the most highly developed groups in the United Sta- tes in the comprehensive manage- ment of solid urban waste and recy- cling. The company is present in the states of Texas and Florida, and will provide waste collection services in Omaha, Nebraska’s main city. In these states, it serves more than 5 million inhabitants, and in fiscal year 2019, it managed 500,000 tons of waste and 140,000 tons of recycla- ble material. ded FCC Environment a 30-year waste treatment contract. In addition, in recent years FCC has won major contracts. These in- clude the contract to design, build and operate the Abu Rawash wa - ter treatment plant in Cairo, Egypt, the biggest contract in the history of FCC Aqualia; the design, cons - truction, supply and installation of equipment and assisted operation of the expansion of the El Salitre was- tewater treatment plant in Bogotá, Colombia; the sludge plant in Guay - mas, Mexico; and the first urban water concessions in Latin America through two operations in Colombia. 9